For over five decades

Who we are and what we do

Ein Mann und zwei Frauen arbeiten im Team und schauen sich Unterlagen an

In short: We recruit specialists and experts in various industries and areas of expertise in your medium-sized company or group.

We search and advise you in a systematic way to find the best talent for your specific requirements.

That’s not enough for you? Neither is it for us. That’s why you can find out more about what makes us different here.

Our team consists of highly qualified consultants who specialize in developing ideal job profiles together with companies.

The goal: Identify candidates who will fill the vacancy in the best possible way.

They are supported by project managers, who take on the candidate perspective in order to create a holistic recruiting experience that takes into account both company and candidate needs.

We work as a team to build a strong bridge between companies and candidates.

Our team is your team

Max-Emre Ateser
Max-Emre Ateser
Adrian Becker
Adrian Becker
Project Manager
Anastasia Drougka
Anastasia Drougka
Project Manager
Fynn Friedrichsen
Fynn Friedrichsen
Senior Consultant
Anja Peuten
Anja Peuten
Michael Süß
Michael Süß
Marvin Virk
Marvin Virk
Carla Wöhler
Carla Wöhler
Project Manager

Who do we work for?

In more than five decades, a customer base has developed that benefits in particular from our services: medium-sized companies in Germany and corporations, which have locations or headquarters in Germany.

What they have in common: They are on the search for professionals and specialists and would like to fill these critical vacancies not only quickly but also reliably.

That means: Not just anyone for anything, but exactly the right person for a position that will maximize their potential.

To achieve this, we advise these companies on the optimal job profile, the targeted search and also provide valuable feedback from the applicant market.

What are our principles?

Three things are needed to fill a vacant position in such a way that the company, the team and the new appointment are satisfied with their choice even after many years.
  1. a job profile, that reflects current and future requirements and opportunities and even impresses professionals who have not yet thought of changing jobs,

  2. a well-thought-out search via job advertisements in suitable portals, via active sourcing and direct approach (targeted and proactive search instead of passively waiting for incoming applications) and via network contacts in the industry

  3. Intuition for people and companies, because a person is always more than just their resume and a company is more than just its website.

Where do we come from?

Since its founding in 1968, Eurosearch has stood for first-class recruiting. In 1997, we became part of the Deininger Group with offices in Europe, China, India and the Middle East.

The BDU industry study Personnel consulting in Germany 2022“ shows how important it is to support companies in their recruiting.

This study shows a significant increase in demand for personnel consultants. In 2021, 16 percent more positions were filled with the help of headhunters than in the previous year.

How can we get to know each other?

The quickest way is to pick up the phone. However, you are also welcome to send us an email or write directly to a consultant on LinkedIn.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Are you new here and would like to know more about us?
Drop us a line or give us a call: +49 69 24432210.
Send email
Are you looking for a career change or improvement?
You are welcome to apply by email. 
We’ll get in touch with you.
Send application